The Knife - Deep Cuts, Silent Shout
80's throwback is one thing, but traveling back in time, making an album with the best coked out B-rate producer you can find, and then traveling back to the future and releasing it in 2006 is another. I mean sure it's poppy in a 1986 sense, but I can't sense a modern element of creativity in it at all. I never even took the time to listen to Silent Shout in its entirety, but I'm sure it's terrible. I don't get it ... but I can find a small amount of respect for The Knife by the fact that Jose Gonzalez covered "Heartbeats" which is a phenomenal song. I just wish he wrote it.

Will be on top 10 lists in 2007:
LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver (March 13, 2007)
They're back and better than ever. Some songs are in the typical LCD style: short, noxious, and to the point. But for the most part this album sprawls. Everything is climactic and has epic buildups. And every single layer has intense attention to detail. Every loop and synth in this album is tweaked to perfection and it is catchy. Unexpectedly catchy ... when was the last time you heard a 6 minute song that completely held your attention span? "Someone Great" is one of my favorites down to every last sample, filter sweep, and synth tweak.
And don't you dare compare LCD Soundsystem to The Knife. Because there is no comparison worth considering.
LCD Soundsystem - Someone Great (yousendit valid until 2/17)
Read my best of 2006 if you didn't yet ... it's right down there vvv
1 comment:
It's time for a new post!! Now that I have you bookmarked in my spankin' new (overdue) firefox toolbar, you should be aware of another fan/permanent reader! hehe Love you...
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