
Around America: Help This Guy Out

So one of my friends here in State College has been asking around this week if anyone in our circle of friends could drive him to Wilkes Barre to pick up a guy he knows that is traveling around America and documenting his journey on a video blog. I'm not sure who he convinced to go earlier today, but the alleged traveler, Matt, is here in State College tonight. One of the aims of his project is to disprove that the blogging/internet community is a closed, exclusive, and unfriendly one. I'm going to meet him in an hour or so, and I'd be grateful if you would check out his website. If you can help him on his journey, please do - he's a great guy with an outstanding vision.

[link] Around America in 2.0 >> About
[link] Matt's Flickr Photos

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell the guy to get a job.